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Dental Clinic

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Tri Valley Periodontics - James H. Choi Periodontics & Dental Implants

Call Us Today : 925.830.9600

Call Us Today : 925.830.9600


Periodontal disease, commonly knowns as "gum disease," occurs when bacteria infect the gums.


Implant treatment is recognized as the treatment of choice in replacing lost teeth.

Aesthetic Therapy

we perform cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile and improved function as well.


Reconstructive therapy can fill these defects and recapture the contour of the gums and jaw.

Clinic News

Although proper oral hygiene is always recommended for maintaining optimum dental health, it is especially important when a patient has...Read more

Opening Hours

  • Monday–Friday 8:30AM–4:30PM
  • Closed on weekends

Booking a Visit


What Our Patients Say About Us
  • You will not be disappointed!

    I recently had a gum graft procedure in the Dallas TX area before traveling to northern California on business. I had a small problem with the stitches and since I was far from home, I had no choice but to find someone who could help me in San Ramon CA. I found Dr. Choi on Google so I decided to give his office a call. His staff was really polite and responded quickly to my needs. Their office was very clean as well. Dr Choi was very professional and courteous. He did a quick exam and got me back on my feet again on very short notice. On top of that, he did this without charging me anything at all. I would highly recommend Dr. Choi to anyone looking for a dentist / periodontist in the San Ramon CA area. You will not be disappointed!

    Darrin C


  • I would recommend Dr. Choi to anyone.

    I was recommended to see Dr. Choi for a procedure which had several steps and required me to visit many times over the course of 8 months. I had ample time to assess both Dr. Choi’s skill and his staff. Everyone was professional, kind and accommodating of my difficult scheduling needs. I would recommend Dr. Choi to anyone, without reservation, and I completely understand why so many dentist use him as their go-to recommendation.



Why Choose Us

Let Us Help You

Periodontal Dentistry

Periodontal disease, commonly known as “gum disease,” occurs when bacteria infect the parts of the gums around the teeth, forming pockets and destroying tissue and bone if left untreated. Worse yet, the infection can lead to tooth loss, and it has even been linked to more serious problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and low birth-weight babies.

Reconstructive therapy can fill these defects and recapture the contour of the gums and jaw.

we perform cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile and improved function as well.

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We engineered a functional and dynamic website, leveraging next-gen themes and plugins.

Trivalleyperio is a medical consulting website for users with features like online appoinment booking, option to add old reports and more.

They hired us for PSD to WordPress conversion. Our front-end and back-end development team worked together for this conversion. We used extra themes and plugins to create website in accordance to their needs.