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Tri Valley Periodontics - James H. Choi Periodontics & Dental Implants Clinic News
Although proper oral hygiene is always recommended for maintaining optimum dental health, it is especially important when a patient has...Read more
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- Monday–Friday 8:30AM–4:30PM
- Closed on weekends
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Periodontal DentistryPeriodontal disease, commonly known as “gum disease,” occurs when bacteria infect the parts of the gums around the teeth, forming pockets and destroying tissue and bone if left untreated. Worse yet, the infection can lead to tooth loss, and it has even been linked to more serious problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and low birth-weight babies.
Reconstructive therapy can fill these defects and recapture the contour of the gums and jaw.
we perform cosmetic procedures to enhance your smile and improved function as well.
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