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Technology - WordPress
Triboo Laptop Triboo iPad Triboo iphone
HTML Panda HTML Panda HTML Panda

we make
it cool
and digital

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gianvito rossi

explore case


Mar 2017

nuova crescita
per il gruppo triboo:
+ 30% nel 2016

call to action


call to action
html {
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2) Blog Styles
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/* Asides */
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/* Media */
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/* Navigation */
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/* Widgets */
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We helped Triboo to expand their business globally, with PSD to WordPress conversion.

Triboo website is developed for users who are looking for digital consulting services for their business need like mobile app & web development.

The client approached us to build an eye-catchy WordPress website, with dynamic features. We used certain customized themes and templates to make website user-friendly, accompanied with a secured payment gateway.